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New Arrivals

The Japanese have a term, ikigai, which is essentially aligning ourselves with our purpose and what we wish to be and see in the world. A combination of what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs and what we can support ourselves and our loved ones with.

Everyone knows about the samurai, their near limitless devotion and loyalty, their prowess in battle, their brutality as well as the beauty in honing a skill to absolute deadly perfection.

Drawing on these 2 aspects of Japanese culture and coupling it with historical and entertainment references along with some quotes that really spoke to me was the direction I wanted to go this year.

Hoping that others will get the same inspiration and ferocity in purpose I've discovered within myself through this process.

We do no one any favors by shrinking from what we could be and what we have the potential within us to become. For yourself, for your loved ones and for the world.
ReAlign your mind and actions with your purpose.

Find the courage to defeat the things that beat you yesterday.

Become better because you know you are capable of it and you owe it to yourself to at least try.

In a world of influencers and AI, be authentic, be original, be an inspiration. Show the world who you are through your actions, stop hiding from who you have it within you to be.

With words and definitions being so callously misused and redefined what better way to represent what we're about than apparel. To win without drawing your sword, to get a point across without speaking, to connect with universally human ideals through a visual medium that hits you where you need to get hit, to crack open our perceptions and let the light filter in through the cracks in the armor.

I truly hope you get something from my work, I put my heart and soul into creating every piece. The weaving together of the things that have inspired me to keep fighting my battles, the need to overcome obstacles, find meaning in the bad times and feel gratitude for the strength and resilience we gain from the fights we've lost while growing as human beings.

Thank you for swinging through, I truly appreciate you being here and I look forward to sharing more of my work with you as we all continue to grow together.

Welcome to BeastGhost INK.


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Questions regarding orders or custom design work please get at me via the contact form or email. Find BG INK on Instagram, X, or Facebook @BeastGhostINK and follow for new piece availability, giveaways, news & some inspiration. Move As 1.



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