ReAlignwas born out of my love for Japanese history, the mythology of the samurai and the juxtaposition between the violence and the beauty of the culture during that period. The ronin in particular were a primary focus in the project. I've always drawn a lot of inspiration from the lone wandering samurai idea. Miyamoto Musashi and the Book of 5 Rings have heavily influenced my life path and I wanted to honor these aspects of Japanese history and some of it's figures with this one. Realigning with ancient ideals of honor, loyalty and sacrifice. Things I feel we have lost in modern western society along with our sense of purpose. Perhaps we can find it again together.
Only by learning to embody the things we wish to see in the world will we begin to bring that world to life. Honor, purpose, loyalty, sacrifice, perseverance. These things are incredibly powerful when harnessed responsibly with respect to the internal code of conduct that comes with the territory of walking the path. We should never expect to be perfect. None of us are. But that doesn't mean we stop striving to become the best version of ourselves and spread that empowerment to our immediate worlds.